Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Education, CSAPE 2022–2024 project

Every child has a right to grow in a safe environment and every child has a right to enjoy the best possible health, which includes well-balanced sexual health.

To acquire well-balanced sexual health, children need evidence-based sexual education already from early childhood. Sexual education that is started early supports the child’s development and provides the child with information and skills to better protect themselves and other children.

In addition, with appropriate sexual education it is possible to support young people who have sexual thoughts about children. These are the themes the CSAPE 2022-2024 project will focus on during the two-year project period. 

The general objective of the CSAPE 2022–2024 project is to prevent child sexual abuse.
The aim of the project is to:

  1. Ensure that children have the skills and knowledge to express their own sexuality in an age appropriate and safe manner and to protect themselves from child sexual abuse. 
  2. Lower the threshold for a young person to speak openly about their sexual interest in children with a safe professional, open the possibility to seek help, and thereby making it possible for the young person to live a good life without harming themselves or other children. 
  3. Promote early intervention and help seeking among young people who have a sexual interest in children. 

Material and training packages are developed during the project. A sexual education training package for professionals working with children (5- to 11-year-olds) is developed.

In addition, information and a training package for professionals is developed about young people who have a sexual interest in children.

The aim of the materials developed is to increase the knowledge on the phenomenon and lower the threshold to discuss these topics with children and young people in a sensitive manner. Material is also developed for young people and parents.


CSAPE is funded by the EU’s Internal Security Fund (ISF). It is a two-year (2022-2024) project that is conducted in collaboration with five European countries. Save the Children Finland is the coordinator of the project, and participants are Iceland (Barnaheill – Save the Children Island), Albania (Save the Children Albania), Bosnia-Herzegovina (Save the Children International, implementing department Save the Children North Western Balkan), and Greece (KMOP, Social Action and Innovation Centre). 

EU’s Internal Security Fund (ISF) will contribute to reach a high level of security in the EU, in particular by preventing and combating terrorism, radicalisation, serious and organised crime and cybercrime, by assisting and protecting victims of crime, and by preparing for, protecting against and effectively managing security-related incidents, risks and crises.


LISTEN AND SUPPORT – Guide to Parents and Guardians about Children’s Sexual Education

English (pdf)

Finnish (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

Other languages:

Albanian (pdf)

Arabic (pdf)

Bosnian (pdf)

French (pdf)

German (pdf)

Greek (pdf)

Icelandic (pdf)

Somali (pdf)

Spanish (pdf)

Training package: Evidence based sexual education

This training package is addressed to you as a professional working with children. It aims at making you aware of and able to address the topic of child sexual abuse with children and to support the children in acquiring awareness, skills and knowledge of their bodies, emotions, boundaries and consent.

It is comprised of five modules, named: “What do you know about sexual rights?”, “Human body”, “Emotional and Communication Skills”, “Boundaries and consent”, “Protection of children from sexual abuse”. Each module further consists of three units, which focus on specific issues.

In modules’ units, you can find activities for children 5-8 years old and 9-11 years old on the topics covered, which you can implement in your class. Having taken into account the school programme, the duration of each activity is 45 minutes. Additionally to the activities, each unit also contains clear and detailed instructions to guide you in their implementation, as well as some key information.


Evidence based sexual education – Training package and Annexes


Tietoa ja menetelmiä lasten seksuaalikasvatuksen tueksi – Tehtäviä 5–11-vuotiaille lapsille

Brochure for children: 5 things you should know about being safe and healthy

Finnish (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

English (pdf)

Other languages:

Albanian (pdf)

Arabic (pdf)

Bosnian (pdf)

French (pdf)

German (pdf)

Greek (pdf)

Icelandic (pdf)

Portuguese (pdf)

Spanish (pdf)

Brochure for young people: What if your sexual thoughts are directed at children much younger than you?

Finnish (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

English (pdf)

Other languages:

Albanian (pdf)

Arabia (pdf)

Bosnian (pdf)

French (pdf)

German (pdf)

Greek (pdf)

Icelandic (pdf)

Somali (pdf)

Spanish (pdf)

Brochure for professionals: How to support a young person with child sexual thoughts

Finnish (pdf)

Swedish (pdf)

English (pdf)

Other languages:

Albanian (pdf)

Arabic (pdf)

French (pdf)

German (pdf)

Greek (pdf)

Icelandic (pdf)

Spanish (pdf)

Informational video for young people

Illustration of young person looking at a group of other youth from distance.

A video for young people on sexual diversity.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Project: 10ISF-2021-TF1-AG-CYBER1083832 — CSAPE 2022-2024 —, Ref. Ares(2022)8611770 – 12/12/2022


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Heidi Näppi

Project Manager, CSAPE-project