Domestic Preparedness

In crisis situations, it is important to take into account the needs of children and families
We prepare to support the authorities in different situations in cooperation with Save the Children local associations, volunteers and other actors.
The organization’s preparedness work is prepared to support the authorities in the event of accidents and incidents affecting children and families, such as prolonged power and water cuts or an immigration situation. We organize Children in Crises trainings and Child Friendly Space training, as well as training of trainers for staff and volunteers.
Preparedness and contingency planning is coordinated by Save the Children’s central office in Helsinki. The organization’s local associations and volunteers are central to the work, both regionally and locally. Local actors help to provide nationwide support to children in various crisis and disruptive situations across Finland..
- Crises, emergency and disruptive situations affecting children and families
- Large scale fires, storms, floods
- Transport and chemical accidents
- Violent incidents
- Communicable diseases
- Evacuations
- Large-scale migration
- Impacts of climate change
- Children and families are often overlooked in preparedness planning
- There is a need for child expertise and the involvement of child actors in preparedness
- There is always the possibility of an accident, violence, natural disaster or large-scale influx of migrants
- Applying international humanitarian expertise and approaches to the Finnish context
- Professional child protection expertise
- Regional and local Save the Children associations and volunteers
- Preparedness exercises
- Child-friendly spaces
- Crisis chat
- Children in Crises training courses
- Cooperation with networks of authorities and organizations
- Child-related situational picture in Finland and abroad through Save the Children
- Advocacy and communication
- Diverse experience of working with children
- Local knowledge
- Existing networks and knowledge of existing support structures in the area
- Tools ready to support
- Situational picture

Become a volunteer
Are you interested in volunteering for Save the Children?

Preparedness trainings and materials
Information on Save the Children’s domestic preparedness trainings and materials
Child Friendly Spaces
More information on Child Friendly Spaces

How to support a child during a crisis
A guide on how to support a child during a crisis

Psychosocial support for vulnerable children –
Save the Children Finland has launched a project called Children’s Support in reception centers, which aims to identify and address the special needs of vulnerable children in reception centers. The project is co-funded by the European Union. The project will run from 2024 to 2027 with an EU grant of €558 933.
Partners and networks

Save the Children collaborates in preparedness activities, such as national and regional preparedness networks of authorities and organizations, advocacy work, preparedness training, exercises and real-life situations. We participate in preparedness exercises together with organizations and authorities with a childrens rights based approach as well as the development and cooperation of Child-Friendly Space activities.
Save the Children is a member of the Voluntary Rescue Service and the Women’s National Emergency Preparedness Association
(Picture: Emilia Tiainen, City of Kirkkonummi)